Letters That Move The World

Intentional Acts of Gratitude

CA $24.95 paperback

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Letters That Move The World shows us the miracle of how the simple act of writing letters from the heart can start a ripple, a transformation of this world to a place where people care about and respect themselves, each other, every nation, and our global environment.

And it introduces the celebration of Gratitude Day (G-Day), a day that brings it all into focus.

Due to the ever increasing number of health regulatory laws being passed in Canada I have made the choice to move all of my offerings and consultations into a private platform in order to continue to provide uncensored, quality care while preserving your personal privacy. Bills such as Bill 36, C-47, 419 and C-11, just to name a few, not only dramatically limit the types of treatments, products and information that you will have access to but also allow the government more and more access to your personal medical files.

It is for these reasons that I moved to the private sector. In order to schedule an appointment please go to inspirelife.earth and first become a member and then you can access the booking link to make a consultation. I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

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